The Body as Mass Media in the Livestream Regime




biopolitics, necropolitics, gore capitalism, livestream regime, gender, sexuality


In the article we discuss the meaning of the body in its material dimension in relation to its transformation in the current context, which is determined by the multi-layered convergence of biopolitics (Foucault 1978–79), necropolitics (Mbembe 2003), digital psychopolitics (Han 2014), and gore capitalism (Valencia 2010). It is an inquire of the ways in which the contemporary body becomes a form of mass media for certain populations who choose to consent to the mandate of making themselves entrepreneurs of their own bodies within the livestream regime (Valencia 2016, 2018). The author analyzes a variety of representations of femininity taking physical form g-locally in bodies, which—in an effort to comply with capitalist mandates and with binary choreographies of gender and sexuality—become businesses themselves.


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How to Cite

Valencia, S. (2023). The Body as Mass Media in the Livestream Regime. Filozofski Vestnik, 44(2), 53–70.