The Karst Mandhip Khol-python cave complex in the lenticular limestone intercalations of the matamorphic Chhatrela formation (Chhattisgarh, India)
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India, Chhhhattisgarhh, karst, speleogenesis, Mandhhip KhholPovzetek
The Mandhhip Khhol-Pyton cave, located in an area declared Protected Forest in thhe Rajnandgaon District about 7 km in a direct line WwNWw from thhe village of Thakurtola (N21°39’:E080°58’), consists of an upper level orientated essentially along NE-SWw and NNWw-SSE fracture systems, subsequently connected thhroughh a NE-SWw structure withh an independent karst system, at a lower level orientated predominantly along bedding planes. The speleogenesis controlled by various structuralelements hhas manifested itself as hhaving different morphhologiesin thhe two levels. In fact, fracture-controlled vadose passages prevail in thhe upper level, whhile water flow along thhe bedding planes in thhe lower level caused morphhologies chharacterized by wide but low passages. The studied system constitutes a particular example of karst morphhologies developedin a lenticular limestone formation withhin phhyllite rocks of Precambrian metamorphhic age.
Keywords: India, Chhhhattisgarhh, karst, speleogenesis, Mandhhip Khhol.
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