Interpretation of hydrogeological functioning of a high karst plateau using the KARSYS approach: the case of Trnovsko-Banjška planota (Slovenia)
The high karst plateau of Trnovsko-Banjška planota is one of the most important reservoirs of karst water in Slovenia. Almost all important karst springs in this area are captured for water supply. A sustainable management of this source of groundwater is of strategic importance, not only as drinking water supply but also for the economy. For these reasons, many hydrogeological monitoring studies have been carried out over the last decades. However, no consistent regional overview of the hydrogeological functioning of Trnovsko-Banjška planota was available and we decided to study this area with more direct approach based on 3D geological and hydrogeological models. The so called KARSYS approach was developed in Switzerland and applied primarily to characterize groundwater reserves within a karst massif, and to sketch the main flow-paths carrying groundwater from recharge areas to the respective springs. The delineation of spring catchment areas in karst regions was better defined and interactions between catchments were interpreted. These results can be used to improve the management of karst waters in the studied area.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
Turk, J., Malard, A., Jeannin, P.-Y., Vouillamoz, J., Masini, J., Petrič, M., Gabrovšek, F., Ravbar, N., & Slabe, T. (2013). Interpretation of hydrogeological functioning of a high karst plateau using the KARSYS approach: the case of Trnovsko-Banjška planota (Slovenia). Acta Carsologica, 42(1).
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