Mineral pellicles on the lakes surface of warm and cold zones in Kungur ice cave
Investigation of mineral pellicles formed at the surface of ponds in Kungur Ice Cave showed their structure and formation mechanism to depend on location in a cold or warm microclimatic zone. In spite of identical initial chemical composition of solutions, infiltrated through carbonate-sulfate massif, different climatic zones are characterized by specific order of mineral crystallization on the water surface. The revealed difference is related to various climatic conditions and solution supersaturation mechanisms. Mineral pellicles formed in different microclimatic zones are described in the article.Prenosi
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Kako citirati
Tchaikovskiy, I., Kadebskaya, O., & Kalinina, T. (2015). Mineral pellicles on the lakes surface of warm and cold zones in Kungur ice cave. Acta Carsologica, 44(1). https://doi.org/10.3986/ac.v44i1.609
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