Research on the Soils of Karst Areas in Hungary (Example from Bükk Mountain)


  • Anikó Zseni Department of Physical Geography, University of Szeged



Avtorica je preučevala značilnosti hranilnega sistema prsti na madæarskem krasu, to je na 8 km2 površja planote Bükk. 63 vzorcem prsti je bil izmerjen pH ter vsebnost karbonatov, celokupna količina dušika, vsebnost rastlinam dostopnega kalcija, kalija, magnezija in fosforja. Tako je lahko primerjala hranilne sisteme prsti iz različnih ekoloških okolij. Glede hranilne vrednosti prsti so razlike med bukovim in borovim gozdom ter odprtim poljem. Poznavanje pH ter vsebnosti N, P, K, Ca, Mg v prsteh je lahko pomembno za varstvo okolja, za vzdrževanje gozdarstva in urejanja travnikov.

The author studied the characteristics of the soil nutrient system in a Hungarian karst area, that is on 8 km2 area of the Bükk plateau. The pH, total carbonate content, total soil-nitrogen content, plant available calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus contents of 63 soil samples were measured. She was able to compare the nutrient system of the soils which occurred in different ecological conditions. There are differences between the nutrient status of the soils of the beech and pine forest and the open fields. The knowledge of the pH plus the N, P, K, Ca, Mg content of the soils can be important regarding the protection of the environment, the maintenance of the forest and the management of the meadows.


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Kako citirati

Zseni, A. (2016). Research on the Soils of Karst Areas in Hungary (Example from Bükk Mountain). Acta Carsologica, 28(2).



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