Function Feeding Groups of Macroinvertebrates in the Reka River (Slovenia)


  • Tanja Pipan Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU, Titov trg 2, SI-6230 Postojna



V ekološki študiji smo obravnavali sestav favne na dnu kraškega vodotoka, klasificiran po načinu prehranjevanja. Od izvira proti ponoru reke se je delež suspenziofagov, filtratorjev in drobilcev zniževal, naraščal pa je delež detritivorov in strgačev. Delež plenilcev je bil na vseh vzorčnih mestih približno enak. Biološke raziskave so pokazale, da v reki Reki poteka optimalen prehranjevalni pretok z rahlo povečano trofično aktivnostjo, ki se ne odraža negativno v sestavi združbe velikih nevretenčarjev.

This ecological study deals with the structure of the fauna in a Karst river, classified into different feeding. From the source to the swallow hole the proportion of suspension feeders, filterer-collectors and shredders diminished, but the proportion of deposit feeders and grazers increased. The proportion of predators was roughly the same at all sampling sites. Biological research showed that in the Reka river optimal food exchange with slightly increased trophic activity takes place, but it does not have a negative effect on the community structure of macroinvertebrates.


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Kako citirati

Pipan, T. (2016). Function Feeding Groups of Macroinvertebrates in the Reka River (Slovenia). Acta Carsologica, 29(2).



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