From Doline Distribution to Tectonics Movements Example of the Velebit Mountain Range, Croatia


  • Sanja Faivre Zagreb University, Geography Department, Marulićev trg 19/II, BP 595, 10 000 Zagreb
  • Philippe Reiffsteck Laboratoire Central des Ponts et ChaussŽees, 58 Boulevard Lefebvre 75 732 Paris cedex 15



Članek obravnava povezavo med tektonskimi silami in kraškimi površinskimi oblikami. Smer deformacij in napetosti v Velebitskem masivu smo izračunali na osnovi razporeditve vrtač z uporabo metode “center-center” (Ramsay, 1967; Fry 1979). 623 rezultatov lokalnih meritev smo vnesli v 2D model končnih elementov, ki deluje v programskem okolju Castem 2000. Ta na osnovi deformacij izračuna tektonske pogoje, ki tem deformacijam ustrazajo. Rezultati se v veliki meri ujemajo z GPS meritvami in rezultati geološkega kartiranja.

The influence of tectonic forces on karst relief development has been studied using dolines as geomorphological markers. The strain and stress orientations have been calculated from the doline distribution, applying the centre to centre method (Ramsay, 1967; Fry, 1979). 623 local results have been obtained which were later injected into a 2D finite element model created in Castem 2 000 software. As the observed deformations are the consequence of the tectonic displacements, the numerical model tends to simulate the tectonic conditions, which are closely related to the observed deformations. The results were correlated with the GPS measurements as well as with the geological field mapping results and great coincidence was observed.


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Kako citirati

Faivre, S., & Reiffsteck, P. (2016). From Doline Distribution to Tectonics Movements Example of the Velebit Mountain Range, Croatia. Acta Carsologica, 31(3).



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