Gypsum Karst of Zagros Mountains (I.R. Iran)


  • Franco Cucchi Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Ambientali e Marine dellÕUniversitˆ degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste
  • Luca Zini Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Ambientali e Marine dellÕUniversitˆ degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste



Ob geoloških raziskavah vzdolž reke Karkheh, ki prereže gorsko verigo Zagrosa v zahodnem Iranu, je pritegnila pozornost avtorjev morfologija na evaporitih. V evaporitni formaciji Gachsaran so ločili tri tipe krasa, glede na njihovo lego vzdolž sinklinalne osi ali vzdolž krila gube. Vzdolž sinklinalne osi so vrtače, sufozijske vrtače, jame in udorne vrtače ter zmerno se spuščajoči jamski rovi na stiku apnenca in sadre, ki sledijo največjemu vpadu.

Evaporite morphologies have attracted our attention during geological surveys on the Karkheh River, a water course that intersect the chain of the Mountains Zagros in the western Iran. We recognised three types of karst in the evaporitic Gachsaran Formation as a function of the localisation along the syncline axis or along a fold side. There are sinkholes and suffosion dolines or caves and collapse dolines along the syncline axis, gently dipping galleries at the contact between limestone and gypsum following maximum dip.


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Kako citirati

Cucchi, F., & Zini, L. (2016). Gypsum Karst of Zagros Mountains (I.R. Iran). Acta Carsologica, 32(1).



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