Karstification of the Aquifer Discovered During the Construction of the Expressway Between Klanec and Črni Kal, Classical Karst


  • Martin Knez Karst Research Institute, ZRC SAZU, Titov trg 2, SI-6230 Postojna
  • Tadej Slabe Karst Research Institute, ZRC SAZU, Titov trg 2, SI-6230 Postojna
  • Stanka Šebela Karst Research Institute, ZRC SAZU, Titov trg 2, SI-6230 Postojna




Med Klancem in Črnim Kalom se je na 6,5 km trase avtoceste med zemeljskimi deli, kopanju usekov in predora odprlo 67 jam. Številčno so prevladovale stare jame, torej tiste, skozi katere se je nekoč pretakala voda. Dve tretjini teh jam je bilo zapolnjenih z naplavino. Raziskane jame so nam dopolnile znanje o razvoju tega dela krasa. Prek 500 m dolg jamski splet, katerega smo se trudili ohraniti v celoti, se odprl v predoru Kastelec v bližini Brezna na Škrklovici. Rovi tega spleta so pod cesto povezani z betonskimi cevmi, do katerih vodi jašek z roba cestišča.

Sixty-seven caves were opened during the earth removal and the excavation of the tunnel on the 6.5 km route section of the expressway between Klanec and Črni Kal. By their number, old caves predominated. Two – thirds of these caves were filled with deposits. The caves investigated contributed to our knowledge of the development of this part of the karst. The more than 450 m - long cave system of caves which we are trying to preserve was opened in the tunnel at Kastelec near the Škrklovica cave. Below the road, the passages of this system are connected with concrete pipes, leading from the roadside.



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Kako citirati

Knez, M., Slabe, T., & Šebela, S. (2016). Karstification of the Aquifer Discovered During the Construction of the Expressway Between Klanec and Črni Kal, Classical Karst. Acta Carsologica, 33(1). https://doi.org/10.3986/ac.v33i1.324



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