Minor Karst Landforms as an Indirect Method for Datation- the Case Study Valley Pod Košuto (Slovenia)


  • Irena Mrak Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana




Prispevek obravnava pleistocensko morfogenezo doline Pod Košuto, ki je bila eno od območij detajlnega preučevanja pleistocenske morfogeneze porečja Tržiške Bistrice. Dolina izkazuje ledeniško preoblikovanje, genetsko problematično pa se je izkazalo karbonatno gradivo, ki se v večjem obsegu pojavlja na desni strani doline. S pomočjo litološke analize gradiva, meritev zaobljenosti gradiva ter z meritvami drobnih kraških denudacijskih oblik – mikrožlebičev ocenjujemo obdobje odložitve gradiva na sedanjem, sekundarnem mestu

The paper presents the Pleistocene morphogenesis research in the valley Pod Košuto. The area was one of the detailed studies in the wider research of the Pleistocene morphogenesis in Tržiška Bistrica river basin. Ice movements infl uenced the formation of valley Pod Košuto, but the research deals more with the genesis of the carbonate material that fi lls the right side of the valley. Researching the lithologic characteristics of the material, the measurements of particle roundness and with the help of the minor karst landforms measurements we offer the new view of the material deposition in the secondary – present location.


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Kako citirati

Mrak, I. (2016). Minor Karst Landforms as an Indirect Method for Datation- the Case Study Valley Pod Košuto (Slovenia). Acta Carsologica, 33(1). https://doi.org/10.3986/ac.v33i1.314



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