Microclimatic Research in the Slovakian Show Caves
Prispevek obravnava delo Oddelka za varstvo jam pri Upravi za slovaške jame na področju speleoklimatskega monitoringa slovaških turističnih jam od 1996 dalje. Monitoring je usmerjen na podrobno merjenje osnovnih parametrov klimatskih procesov (temperatura, relativna vlažnost zraka, kondenzacija, gibanje zraka, zračni pritisk itd.) v turističnih jamah v obdobju najmanj enega leta. Bistvo pridobljenega znanja pomaga pri varovanju jam in v praksi turističnim jamam omogoča boljše razumevanje geoekosistema, določa vpliv obiskovalcev, čas trajanja regeneracije jame in oceni možne negativne posledice. Rezultate monitoringa uporabljamo za določanje kapacitete konkretne jame, omejitve števila obiskovalcev, organizacijo vodenja in druge potrebne ukrepe. Meritve v predstavljenih jamah smo opravljali glede na prioriteto: področja svetovne dediščine, ledene jame, naravna zveza zračnih mas s površinsko klimo, možne nevarnosti - vse v zvezi z uporabo in delovanjem jame. Tehnična oprema kot tudi raziskovalna metodologija sta v prispevku podrobno predstavljeni.
The paper deals with the activities of the Cave Protection Department of the Slovak Caves Administration in the field of speleoclimatic monitoring in the Slovakian show caves since 1996. The monitoring is concentrated on detail survey of basic climatic parameters processes (temperature, relative air humidity, dew point, air velocity, atmospheric pressure etc.) in by now studied show caves during minimally one year. The essence of obtained knowledge is to enhance cave protection in the practice of show caves, better understand the geoecosystems; determine visitors’ influence, the period of regeneration and evaluation of possible negative influences. The results of the monitoring are used for determining the carrying capacity of individual caves, limits for visitors, guiding the manageiant and other necessary measures. Presented caves were surveyed by priorities like: World Heritage site, ice caves, natural air mass communication with surface climate, potential threats - all in relation to cave utilization and operation. Technical eqqipment, as well as research methodology are described in detail in the paper.
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