Gruberʼs Karst Research


  • Stanislav Južnič Inštitut za matematiko, fiziko in mehaniko, Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana



Ob dvestoletnici smrti Gabrijela Gruberja smo opisali njegovo raziskovanje krasa, Cerkniškega jezera in reke Timav. Pojasnili smo, zakaj je številne nove Gabrijelove dosežke njegov mlajši polbrat Tobija objavil pod svojim imenom. Prvič v zgodovinopisju smo objavili popis citiranih del v Gruberjevih raziskavah krasa. Visoko smo ocenili Gruberjev opis kapnikov ter Cerkniškega jezera po analogiji s hidravličnimi stroji in Heronovim reakcijskim gorilnikom. Podrobno smo obravnavali Gruberjevo pismo o reki Timav. Obžalovanja vredni spor med Gruberjem in Hacquetom po letu 1775 smo skušali dodatno osvetliti z nasprotji pri njunem pojmovanju krasa.

On the bicentennial of Gabriel Gruberʼs death his speleological and karstological research in Carniola are described. Gruber carefully studied his predecessorsʼ researches of Carniolan karst and Cerknica Lake in particular. He provided several new ideas in the joint work of Tobias Gruber and his older half brother Gabriel. For the first time in historiography Gruberʼs karstological references were discussed. The special concern was put on the Gruberʼs model of the stalactite formation where he proved his extraordinary abilities in Newtonʼs modern mathematics. Very sad stories about Gruber-Hacquet quarrels were connected with their different opinions about karst.



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How to Cite

Južnič, S. (2016). Gruberʼs Karst Research. Acta Carsologica, 33(2).



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