A simple diagnostic model to estimate total sink recharge based on dye tracing experiments
Dye tracing experiments are an active, effective and promising approach to investigate karst aquifers. In this paper, we develop a simple diagnostic model for calculating total recharge of sinks using dye tracing results. The conceptual model is that all sinks are convergent to a major conduit which then branches into several conduits and finally to several springs. Under the assumption that advection is dominant over dispersion at springs, breakthrough curve at a single spring can be used to calculate total recharge. The model is advantageous in that for such a conduit network, it is not necessary to measure breakthrough curves at all springs. Then the model with two dye tracing experiments is used to infer the conduit network in a karst aquifer in Luxi, southwest China. This paper represents a preliminary effort aiming to using dye tracing results to calculate the total recharge of sinks and infer the network of conduits.
Preprost model izračuna celokupnega napajanja kraškega sistema na osnovi sledilne krivulje
Sledenje podzemnih voda z umetnimi barvili je učinkovita tehnika raziskav kraških vodonosnikov. V članku razvijemo enostaven model za izračun celokupnega napajanja ponorov iz rezultatov sledenj. Model predpostavlja, da se voda, ki v sistem vstopa skozi več ponornih točk, najprej združi v glavnem prevodniku in kasneje razteka na več izvirov. Če predpostavimo prevladujoč advekcijski prenos sledila, lahko celokupen dotok v sistem izračunamo iz sledilne krivulje enega samega izvira. Model uporabimo pri obravnavi dveh sledenj na območju Luxi v JZ Kitajski. V članku predstavimo prve rezultate raziskav, s katerimi na osnovi sledenj poskušamo določiti celotni dotok v kraški sistem in sklepati o geometriji mreže kraških kanalov.
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