Doline Fills - Case Study of the Faverghera Plateau (Venetian Pre-Alps, Italy)


  • Ugo Sauro Dipartimento di Geogra#a dell’Università di Padova, via del Santo 26, 35123 Padova
  • Roberto Francese Instituto Nazionale di Oceanogra#a e di Geophisica Sperimentale –OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C, 34010 Sgonico
  • Francesco Ferrarese Dipartimento di Geogra#a dell’Università di Padova, via del Santo 26, 35123 Padova
  • Antonella Miola Dipartimento di Biologia dell’Università di Padova, via U. Bassi 58B, 35121 Padova
  • Paolo Mozzi Dipartimento di Geogra#a dell’Università di Padova, via del Santo 26, 35123 Padova
  • Gualtiero Quario Rondo Dipartimento Scienze Terra dell’Università di Milano, via Mangiagalli, 34, 20133 Milano
  • Luca Trombino Dipartimento Scienze Terra dell’Università di Milano, via Mangiagalli, 34, 20133 Milano
  • Gianna Valentini Dipartimento di Biologia dell’Università di Padova, via U. Bassi 58B, 35121 Padova



The sedimentary fills of two dolines in the Faverghera plateau in the Venetian Pre-Alps, south of Belluno, have been investigated. This small plateau is a sub-horizontal surface about 0.5 km2 wide, located on the northeastern slope of Mt. Faverghera (1640 m a.s.l.) hosting nearly 40 karst dolines partially filled by periglacial slope deposits. Topographic survey, electric resistivity tomography (ERT), soil and pollen analyses have been carried on. The structure of the dolines and the characters of the filling deposits indicate that the evolution of these forms has been controlled by the alternation of different climatic and environmental conditions during the Pleistocene. The results indicate that the dolines are “filters” for the sediments, more than good traps, archiving only some of the climatic and environmental changes.





How to Cite

Sauro, U., Francese, R., Ferrarese, F., Miola, A., Mozzi, P., Rondo, G. Q., Trombino, L., & Valentini, G. (2009). Doline Fills - Case Study of the Faverghera Plateau (Venetian Pre-Alps, Italy). Acta Carsologica, 38(1).



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