Deciphering the water balance of poljes: example of Planinsko Polje (Slovenia)
polje flooding, water balance, automatic monitoring, Dinaric karst, numerical modellingAbstract
Poljes are flat closed karst depressions prone to regular flooding. The floods can be several meters high, last for months and damage significantly human infrastructures. To predict the maximum level reached, the polje water balance needs to be implemented. This technique encounters the difficulty that important part of the inflow and outflow flowing through many poljes is ungauged, as it is challenging to measure accurately the numerous springs and ponors activating temporarily with the rise of water level. This work aims to see whether this problem can be handled and the polje water balance reconstituted. To do so, a typical Dinaric polje is equipped with several water level stations installed over its surface and in the nearby water active caves. Combining a 1*1m digital elevation model of the polje surface with water levels and inflow records of the main two springs allowed assessing the variation of flooded volume and reconstructing the water balance. The highest total inflow values reached during the observed period were of about 140-150 m3/s, with up to a third of it being ungauged. In addition, the effect of a large estavelles group on the polje inflow and outflow could be identified, and helped to characterize the outflow, with values comprised between 65 and 75 m3/s. Finally, intense rainfall over the polje flooded surface showed to be a temporary important source of inflow. The values found by the water balance analysis have been used as input and calibration data in a numerical model reproducing the flood dynamics in the polje and its surrounding aquifer. Results validated both polje water balance and conceptual hydrogeological model. They justify the significance of combining water level measurements with a digital elevation model to monitor the floods. The method can be applied to other poljes flooding in a complex way of superposed input and output signals. Finally, the places to be equipped in priority if the polje has no measurement network or if available funding is limited are discussed.
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