Creativity in Production and Work: Experiences from Slovenia


  • Nina Vodopivec Institute of Contemporary History, Kongresni trg 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana



creativity, production, work, entrepreneurialism, entrepreneurship, innovation, social experimentation // ustvarjalnost, produkcija, delo, podjetništvo, podjetnost, inovacije, družbeno eksperimentiranje


This article deals with creativity in Slovenia in relation to production and work. The focus is on depicting social environments that configure ideas about creativity and the narratives of experiencing it. The author explores creativity in relation to entrepreneurialism, innovation, social concern, and social experimentation. The article addresses ethnographic material, public discourse, and contemporary media (social media, TV, and newspapers).


Prispevek se ukvarja z ustvarjalnostjo v povezavi s produkcijo in delom v Sloveniji. Avtorica se osredini na družbena okolja, ki vzpostavljajo ideje o ustvarjalnosti in na različne pripovedi o izkušnjah ustvarjalnosti. Ustvarjalnost raziskuje v povezavi s podjetnostjo, inovacijo, družbeno skrbjo in družbenim eksperimentiranjem. Članek se sklicuje na etnografsko gradivo in analize javnega diskurza in sodobnih medijev v Sloveniji (družbenih medijev, TV in časopisja).


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How to Cite

Vodopivec, N. (2017). Creativity in Production and Work: Experiences from Slovenia. Traditiones, 46(1-2), 127–147.



Essays on Creativity / Razprave o ustvarjalnosti - Edited by / Uredila Saša Poljak Istenič