Vladimir Rukavina – Master of Festivity. Social Change and Cultural Policy from Above
festival, ritual, person, sponsorship, politics, mass media, Slovenia // festival, posameznik, sponzorstva, politika, množični mediji, SlovenijaAbstract
Vladimir Rukavina is one of the most important and steadfast figures of the post-socialist transition in Maribor. The Festival Lent, which he and his team have been organizing annually for more than twenty years, is the biggest open-air festival in Slovenia and among fifty most distinguished events in Europe. The festival is an excellent case to analyse social dynamics in post-socialist transition of the city of Maribor. Author discusses how far society and history have influenced individual choices and attitude of Vladimir Rukavina, and how far has he been able to change the paradigm of social imagination.
Vladimir Rukavina sodi med najpomembnejše in najbolj etablirane posameznike, ki so zaznamovali posocialistično tranzicijo v Mariboru. Festival Lent, ki ga s sodelavci vsako leto prireja že več kot dve desetletji, je največji festival na prostem v Sloveniji in sodi med petdeset najbolj uglednih tovrstnih prireditev v Evropi. Dogodek predstavlja tudi odličen primer za analizo družbene dinamike v času posocialistične tranzicije. Avtor v prispevku razpravlja, v kolikšni meri sta družba in zgodovina vplivali na prirediteljeve odločitve in stališča ter v kolikšni meri je sam uspel preoblikovati paradigmo družbenega imaginarija.
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