Serbian Dishes on the Slovenian Table
selitve, prehrana, čevapčiči, srbski/slovenski kajmak // immigration, diet, ćevapčići, kaymakAbstract
Sodobne življenjske razmere so prinesle tudi globalni pristop h kulturi prehranjevanja, in to na vseh celinah in območjih. Zlasti mediji omogočajo, da so porabniki preplavljeni z »eksotično« kulinariko in najpogosteje s produkti in recepti »tradicionalnih jedi«. To je navdihnilo ta prispevek, ki je nastal po dveh krajših terenskih raziskavah v Ljubljani, novembra 2008 in 2009. V središču pozornosti so selitveni procesi iz Srbije v Slovenijo po 1. svetovni vojni do danes in njihov odsev v sprejemanju prehranskih produktov iz Srbije, ki so sčasoma postali del vsakdanje prehrane Slovencev.
Contemporary living conditions have resulted in a global approach to diet and food culture worldwide, which is encouraged and disseminated through various media. The market is filled with a wide range of food-related products, some of which include recipes from “traditional” but unknown sources. This was the inspiration for this article, which is also supported by the findings of fieldwork carried out in Ljubljana in November 2008 and 2009. The research included immigration trends from Serbia to Slovenia from 1918 to the present, and how these are reflected in the acceptance of food-related products and dishes that originated in Serbia and have become part of Slovenians’ everyday diet.
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