Phytosociological study of the forest vegetation of Kyiv urban area (Ukraine)


  • Igor Goncharenko Institute for evolutionary ecology of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine
  • Halyna Yatsenko Institute for evolutionary ecology of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine

Ključne besede:

phytosociological study, forest vegetation, syntaxonomy, DRSA, Ukraine, Kyiv


The current study presents the floristic-sociological classification of the forest vegetation of the Kyiv urban area. We identified 21 associations and variants belonging to 7 classes, 8 orders and 10 alliances of the forest vegetation. Some of them were described with new names, particularly, in the classes of Alno glutinosae-Populetea albae (Aristolochio clematitis-Populetum nigrae ass. nov. hoc loco), Robinietea (Galio aparines-Aceretum negundi ass. nov. hoc loco), Galio-Urticetea (Lapsano communis-Urticetum dioicae ass. nov. hoc loco), Quercetea robori-petraeae (Poo nemoralis-Quercetum roboris ass. nov. hoc loco), Vaccinio-Piceetea (Luzulo pilosae-Pinetum sylvestris ass. nov. hoc loco, Calamagrostio epigeii-Pinetum sylvestris ass. nov. hoc loco). Vegetation classification was conducted using the original DRSA algorithm (Distance-Ranked Sorting Algorithm) based on the k-nearest neighbors clustering approach. The phytocoenons were analyzed using ordination, phytoindication, and by inter-cluster similarity evaluation and described by traits of synmorphology, ecological specificity, distribution data, phytosociological spectrum, and syntaxonomical relations.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.

Biografije avtorja

Igor Goncharenko, Institute for evolutionary ecology of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine

Department of ecological monitoring

Halyna Yatsenko, Institute for evolutionary ecology of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine

Department of ecological monitoring



Kako citirati

Goncharenko, I., & Yatsenko, H. (2020). Phytosociological study of the forest vegetation of Kyiv urban area (Ukraine). Hacquetia, 19(1), 99–126. Pridobljeno od


