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El Mokni, Ridha, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences ‘A’, Laboratory of Botany, Cryptogamy and Plant Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy of Monastir, University of Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia & Department of Forestry, Laboratory of Forest Ecology, National Research Institute of Rural Engineering, Water and Forests, IRESA, University of Carthage, Ariana, Tunisia
El Mokni, Ridha, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences ‘A’, Laboratory of Botany, Cryptogamy and Plant Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy of Monastir, Avenue Avicenna, Monastir-5000, Monastir University, Tunisia & Department of Forestry, Laboratory of Forest Ecology, National Research Institute of Rural Engineering, Water and Forests, Ariana-2080, IRESA, Carthage University, Tunisia
El Mokni, Ridha
El Mokni, Ridha, University of Monastir, Tunisia
El Mokni, Ridha, University of Jendouba, Laboratory of Silvo-Pastoral Resources, Silvo-Pastoral Institute of Tabarka, BP. 345, 8110-Tabarka
El Mokni, Ridha, Faculty of Pharmacy of Monastir, University of Monastir, Avenue Avicenne BP. 207, 5000 - Monastir, Tunisia
El-Ghani, Monier M. Abd, Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Eliaš, Pavol, Department of Botany, Slovak University of Agriculture, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK-949 76 Nitra
Eliáš Jr., Pavol, Department of Botany, Slovak University of Agriculture, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia
Eliáš jun, Pavol, Department of Botany, Slovak University of Agriculture, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK-949 76 Nitra, Slovakia
Eliáš jun., Pavol, Department of Botany, Slovak University of Agriculture, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK-949 76 Nitra, Slovakia
Eliašová, Mariana, Department of Ecology, Slovak University of Agriculture, Mariánska 10, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia
Eliášová, Mariana, Department of Ecology, Slovak University of Agriculture, Mariánska 10, SK-949 76 Nitra, Slovakia
Elvebakk, Arve, Tromsø University Museum, University of Tromsø – Arctic University of Norway, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway
Ermakov, Nikolai, Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zolotodolinskaya 101, Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation
Esfandani-Bozchaloyi, Somayeh, Faculty Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Evangelou, Christakis, Department of Range Science, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Exner, Andreas, Institute of Ecology and Conservation Biology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, 1091 Vienna, Austria

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