
  • Andrej Martinčič Zaloška 78a, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


bryophyte flora, Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta, Republic of Macedonia, chorological analysis, redlisted species.


The author presents the results of his own research of bryophyte flora carried out in years 1962–1972 in R. Macedonia. He mentioned 269 bryophyte taxa (41 liverworts and 228 mosses), among them 75 taxa (18 liverworts and 57 mosses) are reported for the first time in Republic of Macedonia. Six species are included in the Red data book of European bryophytes (ECCB 1995).


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How to Cite

Martinčič, A. (2015). CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. Hacquetia, 8(2). Retrieved from


