Distribution and ecology of Alchemilla species in Osogovo Mt. and West Balkan Mt. in Bulgaria


  • Anna Gavrilova Department of “Applied botany”, Institute of Botany – BAS, Georgi Bonchev Str. 23, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Antonina Vitkova Department of “Applied botany”, Institute of Botany – BAS, Georgi Bonchev Str. 23, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


Alchemilla spp., West Balkan Mountain, Osogovo Mountain, EUNIS, resources


The present study aims to determine some common species of genus Alchemilla (Rosaceae) in Osogovo Mt. and West Balkan Mt. in Bulgaria. The ecological conditions in seven habitat types according to EUNIS with detected presence of Alchemilla species are compared. According to this classification, the habitats that were found belong to six general types: Transition mires and quaking bogs (D 2.3), Mountain hay meadows (E 2.3), Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland (E 3.4), Acid alpine and subalpine grassland (E 4.3), Subalpine moist or wet tall-herb and fern stands (E 5.5), Evergreen alpine and subalpine heath and scrub (F 2.2). Seven species were reported in the investigated regions: A. crinita Buser, A. erythropoda Juz., A. flabellata Buser, A. glabra Neygenf., A. glaucescens Wallr., A. monticola Opiz and A. viridiflora Rothm. In the paper are submitted some new reports for the presence of A. crinita, A. erythropoda and A. glabra in the investigated areas. Some preliminary results concerning the resources of the examined species are obtained.



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How to Cite

Gavrilova, A., & Vitkova, A. (2015). Distribution and ecology of Alchemilla species in Osogovo Mt. and West Balkan Mt. in Bulgaria. Hacquetia, 9(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/2901


