Succession model with Corynephorus canescens in abandoned sandy fields (W Slovakia)


  • Milan Valachovič


arable land, inland sand dunes, weed, Corynephorion, Borská nížina Lowland


The succession of vegetation on acidic sandy fields after abandonment was studied and obtained results were compared with similar data from eastern part of Europe. The vegetation changes head towards oligotrophic Corynephorus-grasslands, because nutrients from the upper layer of soils are gradually washed out. Dry, occasionally blowing sand enables the growth of psammophytes very well. The paper compares the succession models on abandoned sandy fields, and semi-natural acidic sandy dunes in western part of Slovakia, southern Moravia, Hungary and Croatia. In spite of amazing similarities, some differences are displayed using spectra of life forms and presentation of weeds.



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How to Cite

Valachovič, M. (2015). Succession model with Corynephorus canescens in abandoned sandy fields (W Slovakia). Hacquetia, 11(1). Retrieved from


