Separation and Reversibility: Agamben on the Image


  • Benjamin Noys


Agamben, the image, politics, the negative, subjectivity


Giorgio Agamben’s thoughts on the image seem to occupy a minor role in his work, confined to occasional essays and remarks. In fact, I argue, his thoughts on the image offer the key to grasping the fundamental political and philosophical coordinates of Agamben’s work as a whole. The image is the site at which Agamben probes the dual operations of separation, by which the state and capital remove life into a neutral space of circulation and equivalency, and the contrary effect of reversibility, in which the separated image is redeemed for a new politics. This inscribes the image into a fundamentally ambivalent space – at once the site of “danger” and “saving”. Contrary to a pessimistic reading of Agamben’s work, I argue that his work on the deactivation of the image suggests possible strategies for a new politics that would return the political to common use.


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How to Cite

Noys, B. (2016). Separation and Reversibility: Agamben on the Image. Filozofski Vestnik, 30(1). Retrieved from