Schizoanalysis: Analysis of the (Un)conscious Factors of Desire


  • Julija Magajna


Deleuze, Guattari, schizoanalysis, difference, the virtual, the actual, change


The text provides basic information concerning the cognitive points of departure, research variants, findings, and activities of schizoanalysis. The concept was introduced by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari and concerns research of the unconscious conditions of differentiating and changing everything that exists. The first part of the text presents the fundamental ontological presuppositions of schizoanalysis, the second discusses the way it faces unconscious processes, the third explains its relation to the compulsion of repetition, while the fourth and last part brings forth the ethical dimension implicated in its cognitive points of departure, relations, and activities.


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How to Cite

Magajna, J. (2016). Schizoanalysis: Analysis of the (Un)conscious Factors of Desire. Filozofski Vestnik, 33(3). Retrieved from