This article begins with the analysis of Rorty's thesis that the analitical philosophy today has only stylistic and social unitiy. Rorty starts with the hypothesis that all relevant philosophical questions are only questions about language. His interpretation of the term "analysis" is very strange. Rorty's understanding of the function of analytical philosophy is represented in the context of the explanation of the notions of analyticity, thruth and analysis. The author has shown, with the help of ontological analyses on the problem of universals, that the substancial problems and questions are not banished out from the analytical philosophy as Rorty assumed. Some metaphilosophical theses have been made for the better explanation of the function of the contemporary analytical philosophy. There is an important methodological similarity between philosophy and science. However, the reduction of philosophy to science is not pressuposed - the justification of philosophy is always philosophical, but science is an important "part" of it (see thesis 6). Analytical philosophy does not involve direct practical (political) action but its analyses ofthe arguments (pro et contra) is a justified ground for an answer to the classic Sokrates question: "How should one live?"Downloads
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How to Cite
Borstner, B. (2016). METAPHILOSOPHICAL THINKING ABOUT ANALITICAL PHILOSOPHY. Filozofski Vestnik, 14(1). Retrieved from
Analitična filozofija - epistemologija
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