Radical Antiphilosophy


  • Bruno Bosteels


Taking up Alain Badiou's project of systematizing the invariant traits of antiphilosophy as based on a radical "act" capable of discrediting and outstripping the philosopher's relation to truth, the author discusses the cases of Nietzsche's archi-political act of "breaking the history of the world into two halves" and Wittgenstein's archi-aesthetic act of "showing" that which one cannot speak of but which alone matters for the sense of the world. The difference between the antiphilosophical "act" and the philosophical treatment of an "event" is best understood in terms of "suture" and "disaster," two concepts which in the process must be thoroughly revised. Finally, the author discusses the extent to which Badiou's own philosophy falls prey to, and even thrives on, an irresistible antiphilosophical element of its own.




Kako citirati

Bosteels, B. (2008). Radical Antiphilosophy. Filozofski Vestnik, 29(2). Pridobljeno od https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/filozofski-vestnik/article/view/3194



From the Antinomies of Radical Philosophy to Radical Antiphilosophy