Zmeda pogojev umetne inteligence


  • Aleš Mendiževec ZRC SAZU, Institute of Philosophy, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Ključne besede:

umetna inteligenca, globoko učenje, pogoji UI, splošna umetna inteligenca, antihumanizem


The article discusses various conditions of contemporary artificial intelligence, namely deep learning mechanisms, to emphasize its limitations and argues for an antihumanistic view of contemporary technology. It starts from affirming Turing test and argues that machines can in fact be intelligent but that this intelligence must not be related to a capitalistically hyped idea of artificial general intelligence. Then it outlines various conditions on which deep learning depends in its functioning (brute computing power, capitalist datafication, the world of contingency). These conditions show an epistemological schism in the field of artificial intelligence (between symbolic AI and connectionism) that could be overcome by getting rid of the idea of artificial general intelligence and the competitive relation between humans and machines.


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Kako citirati

Mendiževec, A. (2025). Zmeda pogojev umetne inteligence. Filozofski Vestnik, 45(2).