Endless Lists
Racialization, Divisions, Abandonment, Seclusion
racialization, division, abandonment, isolation, necropolitical afterlives, necro-livesAbstract
The article delves into the enduring ramifications of historical and contemporary processes of racialization, the delineation of societal divisions, the forsaking of marginalized communities, and the coerced isolation or seclusion of specific populations. Within the realm of necropolitical afterlives, these terms indicate the manners in which these persistent predicaments have molded and persist in molding the realms of life and death for diverse groups. Analysis encompassing necro-lives holds significance in comprehending the sway of necropolitics, unearthing systemic injustices, and amplifying the voices silenced. The bodies of necro-lives amalgamate in communal endeavors for justice, parity, and human rights. Necro-lives call for mobilization and advocacy to deconstruct necropolitical frameworks and forge more just and impartial societies. Necropolitics, entailing dominion over life and death by influential necro-entities, can be contextualized through these themes, spotlighting how certain populations endure violence, disregard, or isolation beyond their corporeal existence, thereby perpetuating cycles of injustice and suffering.
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