From Communist Ideology to the Idea of Communism

Transformations in Žižek’s Notion of Communism




Žižek, communism, Idea, Kant, Hegel


This article approaches a potential tension in the work of Slavoj Žižek between his critique of communist ideology and his endorsement of the communist idea. The aim is to show how this endorsement, in effect, emerged out of Žižek’s sustained engagement with communist ideology. The article captures this transformation by focusing on his understanding of the notion of the idea and the ways in which ideology can be transgressed. The conclusion drawn is that in moving from a Kantian to a Hegelian notion of the idea, Žižek also leaves behind his initial Beckettian Leninism in favor of an understanding of revolution that no longer depends on the heroic act of a subject, but on the immanent logic of the communist idea.


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How to Cite

Stagnell, A. (2023). From Communist Ideology to the Idea of Communism: Transformations in Žižek’s Notion of Communism. Filozofski Vestnik, 44(1), 53–73.



Economy, Ideology, Psychoanalysis