Nietzsche and Badiou: Event, Intervention, “God is dead”


  • Aleš Bunta ZRC SAZU, Institute of Philosophy, Ljubljana, Slovenia



Nietzsche, Badiou, event, intervention, naming, antiphilosophy


The article draws attention to a certain multi-layered parallel between Nietzsche and Badiou’s theory of the event, which the author argues Badiou evaded by a kind of strategic relocation. The article does not focus so much on (and certainly not against) Badiou’s philosophy, but attempts to assess the possible implications of this relocation for Badiou’s interpretation of Nietzsche. In the first part of the article, the key concepts of Badiou’s account of Nietzsche are introduced, such as “archi-politics”, “antiphilosophy”, and the “event Nietzsche”. Later, it is shown that, despite some fundamental differences, there is a strong resemblance between some key concepts of Badiou’s theory of the event, especially those related to the notion of “intervention”, and some concepts found in Nietzsche. Finally, the paper focuses on the problem of the “death of God”, which is somehow absent in Badiou’s interpretation, even though the term itself resonates strongly in various aspects of Badiou’s philosophy.


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How to Cite

Bunta, A. (2023). Nietzsche and Badiou: Event, Intervention, “God is dead”. Filozofski Vestnik, 43(2).


