Monitoring of microdisplacements in Golyamata Tsepnatina cave, Madara plateau, NE Bulgaria


  • Konstantin Simeonov Kostov Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Nikolai Dobrev Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Josef Stemberk Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Miloš Briestenský Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Plamen Ivanov Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences



rock deformations, seismic effects, monitoring, microdisplacements, Madara Plateau, Bulgaria


The only early medieval rock bas-relief in Europe Madara Horseman is included in UNESCO World Heritage List. This article presents the results from an in situ monitoring of microdisplacements across fissure forming the Golyamata Tsepnatina Cave located at the edge of Madara Plateau above the Horseman, NE Bulgaria. Additionally, we studied movements along cracks behind the plateau edge, which are related to the dynamics of peripheral plateau parts and shaped the rock slices. Monitoring involves the use of a 3D extensometer model TM-71 installed in the cave as well as five sets of pin marks installed across the cracks behind the plateau edge. The results obtained since 1990 indicate formation of a new rock slice from the cliff due to the gravitational extension of rock massif. The established horizontal microdisplacements of the rock slice to SSE imply the existence of a possible active fault with left-lateral component of movements at the base of the plateau. We established influences from near and distant earthquakes with epicenters in NE Bulgaria (Provadia), Romania (Vrancea), and Turkey (Izmit). The graphs of established movements mark continuously ongoing process of shear processes along the slice forming cracks.
Key words: rock deformations, seismic effects, monitoring, microdisplacements, Madara Plateau, Bulgaria.

Spremljanje mikropremikov v jami Goljamata Cepnatina, Visoka planota Madara, SV Bolgarija

Edini zgodnjesrednjeveški skalni relief v Evropi, Madarski konjenik, je vključen v Unescovo svetovno dediščino. Ta prispevek obravnava rezultate in situ meritev mikropremikov v razpoki, v kateri je oblikovana jama Goljamata cepnatina, ki se nahaja na robu visoke planote Madara nad Madarskim konjenikom v SV Bolgariji. Dodatno smo proučevali tudi premike razpok za robom visoke planote, ki so odvisni od dinamike robnih delov visoke planote in oblikujejo kamninske bloke. Monitoring vključuje uporabo 3D-ekstenzometra model TM-71, ki je nameščen v jami. Dodatno vključuje tudi pet merilnikov premikov, ki so nameščeni v razpokah za robom visoke planote. Rezultati, ki smo jih pridobili od leta 1990, kažejo nastajanje novih kamninskih blokov iz klifa zaradi gravitacijskega razpiranja kamninske mase. Ugotovljeni vodoravni mikropremiki kamninskih blokov v smeri proti JJV, kažejo, da je možen aktiven prelom z levo-zmično komponento v podlagi visoke planote. Ugotovili smo vplive bližnjih in oddaljenih potresov z epicentri v SV Bolgariji (Provadija), Romuniji (Vrancea) in Turčiji (Izmit). Grafi ugotovljenih premikov kažejo dolgotrajne strižne procese vzdolž kamninskih blokov, ki oblikujejo razpoke.
Ključne besede: deformacije kamnin, seizmični učinki, monitoring, mikropremiki, Madara visoka planota, Bolgarija.



Author Biographies

Konstantin Simeonov Kostov, Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Department Geology of Earthquakes, Associated Professor, Dr.

Nikolai Dobrev, Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Deputy Director of the Geological Institute, Chief of Department of Geohazards, Professor, Dr.

Josef Stemberk, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Director of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Dr.

Miloš Briestenský, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


Plamen Ivanov, Geological Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Department of Geohazards, Associated Professor, Dr.




How to Cite

Kostov, K. S., Dobrev, N., Stemberk, J., Briestenský, M., & Ivanov, P. (2018). Monitoring of microdisplacements in Golyamata Tsepnatina cave, Madara plateau, NE Bulgaria. Acta Carsologica, 47(1).



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