Interaction Between Cave Systems and the Lowering Karst Surface; Case Study: Laški Ravnik


  • France Šušteršič University of Ljubljana / Department of Geology, Aškerčeva 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana



Podan je inventar denudiranih globoko freatičnih jamskih oblik, ki se danes pojavljajo na kraškem površju v Laškem Ravniku (vzhodno od Planinskega polja). To so denudirani delno izprani kanali, denudirani z ilovico popolnoma zadelani kanali, zaplate ohranjenega polnila izbrisanih jam, konglomerat in siga. Možen izvor polnil je v porečju Cerkniščice. Organizacija jamskega spleta se sklada s Ford-Ewersovim modelom in nakazuje pravilnost nekaterih spoznanj R. Curla, S.Worthingtona in D. Loweja.

An inventory of denuded and exhumed deep phreatic cave forms that have been detected on the karstified surface of the Laški Ravnik (east of Planinsko polje, Slovenia) is presented and described. Features observed include denuded completely-filled channels, washed-out channels, accumulations of cave loam (originating from caves that are now completely destroyed), conglomerate and flowstone. The source area for the sedimentary infills might be the Cerkniščica river catchment. Cave patterns revealed by the study fit well to aspects of the Ford-Ewers’ cave development model, and also indicate the validity of some of the observations made by R. Curl, S. Worthington and D. Lowe.


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How to Cite

Šušteršič, F. (2016). Interaction Between Cave Systems and the Lowering Karst Surface; Case Study: Laški Ravnik. Acta Carsologica, 27(2).



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