Karst Features Discovered During Motorway Construction Between Divača and Kozina


  • Tadej Slabe Karst research institute - ZRC SAZU, SI-6230 Postojna




Na 7,5 km trase avtoceste med Divačo in Kozino je bilo na vrtačastem površju oziroma tik pod njim odkritih 50 starih jam. Večina jih je bila zapolnjena z naplavinami in mnoge so bile zaradi znižanja kraškega površja že brez stropa. 6 je bilo brezen, skozi katere prenika voda s prepustnega površja do podzemeljskih voda. Stare jame hranijo sledi začetnih obdobij razvoja kraškega vodonosnika, ko je bil še visoko obdan in ponekod tudi prekrit s flišem. Jame brez stropa so danes samosvoj del kraškega površja. Več jam je ohranjenih pod cesto, ena pa je dostopna skozi umetni vhod.

During the construction of new motorways (30 km) over Kras about 200 caves were discovered; in the area between Divača and Kozina (7,5 km) there were 50 old caves, most of them filled by sediments and some of them roofless, and 6 shafts. Old caves provide information on initial stages of the karst aquifer development when it was still surrounded and sometimes even covered by flysch. The more important caves are being preserved, either hidden below the roadway or made accessible by an artificial entrance.


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How to Cite

Slabe, T. (2016). Karst Features Discovered During Motorway Construction Between Divača and Kozina. Acta Carsologica, 27(2). https://doi.org/10.3986/ac.v27i2.505



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