Origin and Development of Cave System in the Rosandra Valley (Classical Karst - Italy)
V terciarnih apnencih zgornjega dela doline Glinščice je jamski sistem Savi - Fessura del Vento, v ozemlju, kjer je intenzivna tektonika povzročila vrsto narivov, pomešanih s prelomi. V dolini Glinščice in v tamkajšnjih jamah je nekaj ključnih dejstev v dokaz, da je najmlajša tektonika vplivala tako na površinsko (neenakomernost pobočij, skoki in spremembe smeri teka Glinščice) kot na podzemeljsko morfologijo (premaknjene korozijske oblike, podori in druge morfološke oblike).
The system Savi - Fessura del Vento caves occurs in the Rosandra Valley Tertiary limestones in an area where intense tectonic influences have caused a series of overthrusts mixed with faults. In Rosandra Valley’s area and in its caves there are some clues reporting recent tectonics which have conditioned both, epigean (slope irregularities, falls and variations of directions along the course of Rosandra creek) and hypogean morphologies (displaced solution forms, breakdowns and other morphologies).
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