Cave Fill in the Črnotiče Quarry, SW Slovenia: Palaeomagnetic, Mineralogical and Geochemical Study
V kamnolomu Črnotiče je bila izkopana s sedimenti in sigo z zapolnjena jama. Analiziran je bil 1,75 m visok del zapolnitve. Profil je sestavljen iz pasovite karbonatne kamnine z interkalacijami rdečih ilovic. Te so se odložile na erozijsko/korozijsko površino starejše, že močno prekristaljene sige. Pasovita in laminirana karbonatna kamnina profila je sestavljena iz prekristaljenega kalcilutita ter je podobna sladkovodnemu apnencu. Značilna laminiranost nakazuje nastanek iz bogatih organskih filmov. Rdeče ilovice sestavljajo kremen, smektit, vermikulit, gibbsit, pM kaolinit, goethit, atanas, rutil, haematit, kalcit, sljude in glinenec. Vsebujejo tudi pelete z več Mn hidroksioksidov. Rdeče ilovice so ostanki preperevanja, odloženi v z vodo zasičenem okolju. Za v profilu vzete vzorce so značilne srednje do visoke vrednosti Jn kar je posledica velike količine železovih mineralov. Srednja paleomagnetna smer je za skupino normalnih paleomagnetnih polaritet enaka D = 10.6°; I = 55.0°, za skupino reverznih polaritet pa D = 173.0°; I = -31.3°. Zgornji del profila kaže reverzno paleomagnetno smer, ki jo prekinjata dve normalni magnetozoni. Sodeč po razporeditvi posameznih magnetozon sklepamo, da je vrh najvišje normalno polarizirane cone primerljiv z dogodkom Olduvai (1.76/1.79 Ma) kot najmlajšo možnostjo, ostali del profila pa je lahko le starejši.
A fossil cave, filled with cave sediments was open in the Črnotiče Quarry. An about 1.75 m high section was analysed. Profile consists of banded carbonate rocks intercalated by red clays which was deposited on corroded/ eroded surface of older speleothems. Banded and laminated carbonate rocks are composed of recrystallized calcilutite resemble freshwater limestones. Characteristics of lamination could indicate its origin from organic-rich films. Red clays are composed of quartz, smectite, vermiculite, gibbsite, pM kaolinite, goethite, anatase, rutile, haematite, calcite, micas and feldspar. They contain pellets with Mn hydroxyoxides. That red clays are weathering products redeposited in water-saturated environment. Samples are characterised by intermediate up to high magnetic values of Jn which is caused by the presence of high amount of Fe-minerals. Mean palaeomagnetic directions are for the group of normal palaeomagnetic polarity equal to D = 10.6°; I = 55.0°, and for the group of reverse polarity than D = 173.0°; I = -31.3°. The top part of the profile shows reverse palaeomagnetic direction interrupted by two normal magnetised zones. According to the arrangement of individual magnetozones we assume, that the top of the highest normal polarised magnetozone could be correlated with the Olduvai event (1.76/1.79 Ma) as the youngest possibility, and therefore the rest of profile must be older.

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