Blow Hole Cave: An Unroofed Cave on San Salvador Island, the Bahamas, and its Importance for Detection of Paleokarst Caves on Fossil Carbonate Platforms
Prispevek obravnava podobnosti v razvoju krasa kvartarne karbonatne platforme na otoku San Salvador in devonske karbonatne platforme na platoju Krásná na Moravskem. Za obe območji so značilne jame, katerih nastanek lahko razložimo s "flank margin" modelom in so nastale v območju sladkovodnih leč med obdobji relativno visoke morske gladine, v času relativno stabilne halokline, kar potrjujejo različne študije jamskih zapolnitev. V obeh primerih so jamske sedimentne zapolnitve genetsko primerljive - obalni in eolski sedimenti ter breče.
The comparative study of a Quaternary carbonate platform (San Salvador Island, the Bahamas) and a Devonian Carbonate Platform (Krásná Elevation, Moravia) indicates a great similarity in karst evolution. Caves on both sites are interpreted as flank margin caves associated with a freshwater lens and halocline stabilised during sea-level highstands. The sedimentary fill of both caves is genetically comparable - beach and aeolian sediments with bodies of breccias.

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