The Underground Post Offices of Postojnska jama, Slovenia, 1899 - 1945
Edina poštna urada, ki sta delovala v podzemlju, sta bila urada v Postojnski jami. Leta 1899 je jamska uprava, število prodanih razglednic je v tem času močno naraslo, nedaleč od Kongresne dvorane oziroma 500 m od vhoda zgradila podzemni poštni urad. Odprt je bil 15. avgusta 1899, poštne oblasti pa so dovolile uporabo posebnega poštnega žiga (“Adelsberger Grotte / Postojnska jama”). Ta urad je posloval do leta 1927 (z italijanskim žigom “Postumia (Grotte)” po letu 1922), nakar ga je nadomestil nov poštni urad, skoraj kilometer in pol oddaljen od vhoda. Urad je zadnjič posloval 15. avgusta 1945, ko je bila Postojnska jama po končani drugi svetovni vojni ponovno odprta.
The only cave post offices to have been situated underground were in Postojnska jama. In 1899 the cave management, responding to the growing use of picture postcards, built a stone post office near Kongresna dvorana 500 m from the entrance. It was open by 15 August 1899, with a special ˝Adelsberger Grotte /Postojnska jama˝ cancellation authorised by the postal authorities. This building remained in use until 1927 (with the Italian ˝Postumia (Grotte)˝ postmark after 1922), when it was replaced by a new building 1,4 km inside the cave. Its last recorded use was 15 August 1945 when the cave was reopened under Jugoslav management.
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