Pattern of Karst Landscape of the Cracow Upland (South Poland)
Površje Poljske Jure se že od paleogena razvija v zelo spremenljivih klimatskih pogojih. Gre za ravnik (peneplen), posejan s številnimi monadnoki iz gorjnejurskega masivnega apnenca, ki jih obdaja manj odporni, tanko plastoviti apnenec iste starosti. Miocenski tektonski fazi je sledilo zakrasevanje, v planoto so se zarezale globoke doline, nastalo pa je tudi več jamskih nivojev. V pleistocenu je periglacialna klima pospešila kongelifrakcijo in sprostitev monadnokov. Združbe mehkužcev kažejo na antropogeno in klimatsko pogojeno spreminjanje površja in okolja v zadnjih deset tisočih letih. Izredna geološka in biološka pestrost področja sta zaščitena.
The relief of the Polish Jura Chain developed since Paleogene under climatic conditions changing considerably. Their main components are a peneplain crowned by numerous monadnocks, generated as hard-rocks on Upper Jurassic massive limestones (bioherms, carbonate buildups) surrounded by less resistant platy and bedded limestones of the same age. After the Miocene tectonic phase and following karstification deep valleys dissected the top surface of the plateau and cave levels connected with rocky terraces had been formed. During the Pleistocene the periglacial climate accelerated the congelifraction and relaxation of monadnocks. The modification of landforms and the environment in last ten thousand years, indicated by assemblages of molluscs was controlled by both climatic and anthopogenic factors. The geo- and biodiversity closely related to one another are still under the nature protection.
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