Comparison of French and Slovene Karstic and Speleological Terminology
Prispevek primerja kraško terminologijo dveh kraških velesil – Slovenije in Francije, katerih strokovnjaki že dolgo časa zgledno sodelujejo. Ob primerjanju kraških in speleoloških izrazov ene in druge terminologije se z etimološkega vidika pokažejo recipročni vplivi in nekatere zmote pri prevzemanju terminov, določene razlike pri poimenovanju oziroma odstopanja pri delitvi bolj specifičnih izrazov ter nekaj več podobnosti pri tipologiji bolj splošnih terminov. Primerjava govori tudi o razlikah v bogatosti besedišč in se zaključi s nekaterimi svojevrstnimi kraškimi pojavi v obeh državah.
The article compares karstic terminology of the two world Karst forces – Slovenia and France, whose scientists have been collaborating for a very long time. From the etymological point of view, the comparison shows that the two vocabularies exerted mutual influence on each other, which in turn brought about several errors when new terms were being adapted. The article also describes some differences in terminology and deviations in the typology of more specific terms, as well as points out great similarity between general terms. The comparison also deals with different lexical abundance of the two terminologies, and concludes with a presentation of some karstic phenomena unique in both countries.
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