Nenavadna poškodba na losovi čeljustnici iz Franc-losovega brezna nad Glažuto pri Ribnici
Obravnavana je neobičajna poškodba z zaobljenimi robovi na spodnji čeljustnici Evropskega losa, katerega skeletne ostanke so jamarji našli v breznu nad Glažuto. Poškodba se razlikuje od naravno nastalih poškodb kosti, ki nastajajo v jamah in sedimentih. Mali sesalci pri grizenju kosti puščajo drugačne sledi. Morda so poškodbe povzročili polži? Domneva o tem, da polži poškodujejo fosilne kosti, je bila prvič predstavljena na primeru obravnave lukenj v fosilnih nosorogovih kosteh iz Dolarjeve jame pri Logatcu.
The article deals with unusual bone damage with rounded edges, found on the lower jawbone of a European moose. The remains of its skeleton were discovered by speleologists in the shaft above Glažuta. This damage differs from those, caused by nature in caves and sediments. Small mammals leave different tooth marks when gnawing bones. Maybe the damage was caused by snails? The assumption that snails damage fossil bones was first presented in case of the holes in fossilized Rhinoceros bones from Dolarjeva jama at Logatec.
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