Kraška presihajoča jezera Pivke (JZ Slovenija) ob visokih vodah novembra 2000
Prispevek obravnava značilnosti 17 kraških presihajočih jezer Zgornje Pivke. V času dolgotrajnega deževja v novembru 2000, ko je izmerjena količina dežja več kot trikrat presegala povprečno mesečno količino padavin, se je voda, po več desetletjih, pojavila v vseh jezerih. Izjemoma so bile poplavljene tudi številne druge manjše kraške globeli, kjer ojezeritve še niso bile dokumentirane. S pomočjo terenskih meritev in interpretacijo letalskih posnetkov so bili izmerjeni vodostaji in površine jezer ter prostornina vode v njih.
The article presents the characteristics of the 17 intermittent karst lakes of Upper Pivka. During the extended precipitation in November 2000, when the amount of precipitation was more than three times the average, all the lakes were flooded for the first time in several decades. Also several additional small karst depressions were flooded, where overflowing had never been recorded before. By combining field observations with the interpretation of aerial photographs the water level, the extent of the lakes and the volumes of containing water were calculated.

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