The Inscriptions of the Tartarus Panel and the 1833 Fercher-survey, Postojnska jama


  • Stephan Kempe Institute for Applied Geosciences, University of Technology Darmstadt, Schnittspahnstr. 9, D-64287 Darmstadt




The history of the discovery of the main parts of Postojnska jama that began in 1818 is not well documented. The article reports about the most interesting inscriptions of the “Idrianer” left on February 7th, 1833, including Johann Fercher, Aloys Urbas, Valentin Tracha, and Johann Wruss near the end of the then known main passage. Fercher was a mine supervisor at Idria. He conducted the first thorough survey of the cave, published first by Schaffenrath (1834). In the archives of Postojnska jama, kept by the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna four documents survive illustrating the background of this survey. These documents, written in the 19th century German Current handwriting are transcribed here for the first time. They not only list the participants of the survey (which also included surveyor Michael Glantschnigg and coachman Johann Leskovitz) but also report costs.




Zgodovina odkrivanja glavnih delov Postojnske jame, ki so se začela 1818, še ni podrobno obdelana. Tukaj poročam o najzanimivejših podpisih v Tartarju blizu konca takrat znanega rova, kjer so se podpisali tako imenovani »Idrijci« 7. februarja 1833: Johann Fercher, Aloys Urbas, Valentin Tracha in Johann Wruss. Fercher je bil rudarski nadzornik v Idriji. Opravil je prve natančne meritve jame, ki jih je objavil Schaffenrath 1834. V arhivu Postojnske jame, ki ga hrani Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU, so ohranjeni štirje dokumenti, ki osvetljujejo ozadje teh meritev. Ti dokumenti, napisani v gotici in nemščini 19.stoletja, so tukaj prvič transkribirani. Ne vsebujejo le seznama merilcev (kjer sta omenjena tudi merilec Michael Glantschnigg in kočijaž Johann Leskovitz), ampak tudi pregled stroškov.






How to Cite

Kempe, S. (2016). The Inscriptions of the Tartarus Panel and the 1833 Fercher-survey, Postojnska jama. Acta Carsologica, 34(1).



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