Terrestrial Fauna from Cavities in Northern and Central Slovenia, and a Review of Systematically Ecologically Investigated Cavities


  • Tone Novak Department of Biology, University of Marbor, Koroška 160, SI-2000 MARIBOR





In the years 1977-2001, the fauna of and ecological conditions in 55 cavities – caves and artificial tunnels – in northern and central Slovenia were systematically investigated. Zoogeographically, this is the meeting point of the Alpine, Pannonian and Dinaric biome. This article lists 321 terrestrial genera, 456 species and 100 subspecies belonging to 183 families, that had been recorded by 2005 in cavities of this region in the course of our own investigations, and that have been cited in the references. This taxonomical review serves as a foundation for understanding ecological and other treatise on the terrestrial fauna in the hypogean habitats of northern and central Slovenia, those that have been published ones, as well as those in preparation. The overview of the systematically investigated cavities, and the review of the methods and techniques used has been added to provide general information about the morphology of these caves, and the ecological research within them.




V letih 1977-2001 smo sistematsko raziskovali kopensko favno in ekološke razmere v 55 votlinah – jamah in izkopanih rovih – severne in osrednje Slovenije. Zoogeografsko je to ozemlje na stičišču alpskega, panonskega in deloma dinarskega bioma. V članku je pregled 321 rodov, 456 vrst in 100 podvrst živali iz 183 družin, ki so bile do leta 2005 najdene v votlinah tega območja med lastnimi raziskavami ter po podatkih iz citirane literature. Taksonomski pregled je osnova in opora za razumevanje ekoloških ter drugih razprav o kopenski favni v podzemeljskih habitatih severne in osrednje Slovenije, ki so že objavljene in ki jih pripravljamo. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene votline, v katerih so potekale sistematske ekološke raziskave, ter naštete uporabljene metode in tehnike, s čimer je omogočen vpogled v morfologijo ekološko raziskanih votlin ter metode raziskovanja






How to Cite

Novak, T. (2016). Terrestrial Fauna from Cavities in Northern and Central Slovenia, and a Review of Systematically Ecologically Investigated Cavities. Acta Carsologica, 34(1). https://doi.org/10.3986/ac.v34i1.285



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