Strukturna lega Habečkovega brezna (Idrijsko, Slovenija)
With detailed geological mapping at a scale 1:5 000, beside general geological data also the structural and tectonical circumstances of the surrounding of Habečkovo brezno were recognised. The complicated tension deformations developed in compressive condition and the thrust contact are the main reasons for development of hydrological and surface karst features. With kinematical reconstruction we recognised that 400 m deep Habečkovo brezno has a special structural and hydrological location.
S podrobnim geološkim kartiranjem smo poleg splošnih geoloških podatkov rekonstruirali tudi strukturne in tektonske razmere. Pri tem smo ugotovili zapletene natezne deformacije, ki jih sicer na prvi pogled ni mogoče razložiti v splošnih tlačnih pogojih. Prav natezne deformacije predstavljajo poleg narivnega kontakta bistveno osnovo za razvoj hidroloških razmer in površinske kraške morfologije obravnavanega terena. Z rekonstrukcijo kinematskega razvoja ozemlja smo ugotovili, da ima 400 m globoko Habečkovo brezno izjemen strukturni in hidrološki položaj.

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