Mapping of Hazards to Karst Groundwater on the Velika Planina Plateau
Prispevek obravnava kartiranje onesnaževalcev podtalnice na alpski kraški planoti Velika planina. Kljub temu, da na planoti ni stalne poselitve, je kakovost vode v izvirih pod planoto ogrožena zaradi športne, turistične in živinorejske aktivnosti na planoti. V izvirih so že zabeležili onesnaženje, kar kaže na pomanjkljivosti upravljanja s pitno vodo tudi na neposeljenih območjih alpskega krasa, ki so sicer z vidika varovanja zelo primerna za zaščito.
The present paper presents the hazard mapping of groundwater on the Velika planina alpine karst plateau. There are no permanent residents on the plateau. Nevertheless, some serious hazards to the quality of the respective karst springs are arising from sports, tourist and farming activities. Some pollution has been already recorded in springs, showing the shortcomings of drinking water management also in uninhabited alpine karst areas, which are ordinarily very favourable for water protection.

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