Tabor above Zagorje Šilentabor, Archaeological Rescue Sample Trenching in the Area of the Castle Complex


  • Patricija Bratina Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Območna enota Nova Gorica, Delpinova 16, 5000 Nova Gorica



Dolini reke Pivke in Reke tvorita naraven prehod iz zgornjega Posavja v Tržaški zaliv in Kvarnerski zaliv. Strateška pomembnost tega prostora se je v prazgodovini odražala s številnimi gradišči–naselbinami na zavarovanih vrhovih, v kasni antiki z rimskimi obrambnimi zaporami ter v obdobju turških vpadov s protiturškimi tabori. Zaščitna arheološka sondiranja leta 1996 v območju arheološkega spomenika Tabor nad Zagorjem – Šilentabor, Arheološko najdišče, EŠD: 764, so odkrila del ostankov srednjeveške obrambne arhitekture, zlasti pa številne arheološke artefakte, ki potrjujejo v zgodovinskih virih omenjeno gradnjo in življenje znotraj grajskega kompleksa od 15. do 17. stoletja.



The valleys of the Pivka and Reka rivers make a natural passage from the upper Posavje to the Trieste and Quarnero Bays. The strategic significance of this area in prehistoric times is shown in the numerous hillforts/settlements on the secured peaks of the hills in Late Antiquity with Roman defence blockades, and in the times of Turkish invasions with forts against the Turks. Rescue sample trenching in 1996 in the area of the Tabor archaeological monument above Zagorje - Šilentabor, archaeological site reference EŠD: 764, revealed part of the remains of a Middle Age defence architectural structure and numerous archaeological artifacts, which confirm construction and life within the castle complex from the 15th to 17th centuries, as mentioned in historical sources.










How to Cite

Bratina, P. (2016). Tabor above Zagorje Šilentabor, Archaeological Rescue Sample Trenching in the Area of the Castle Complex. Acta Carsologica, 34(3).



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