Fauna of the Pivka Intermittent Lakes
Prispevek opisuje vodno favno presihajočih Pivških jezer. Zaradi presihajočega značaja jezer so bili na tem območju najdeni zanimivi predstavniki nižjih rakov, predvsem iz skupin škrgonožcev (Anostraca), vodnih bolh(Cladocera) ter ceponožcev (Copepoda). Petelinjsko jezero je edini kraj na svetu, kjer še lahko najdemo endemne rakce vrste Chirocephalus croaticus. Vrsti ceponožnih rakov Diaptomus cyaneus in Diacyclops Charon sta relativno pogosti vrsti v Evropi, vendar sta Petelinjsko in Veliko Drskovško jezero v Sloveniji trenutno edini znani nahajališči obeh vrst. Vrste so ogrožene zaradi uničevanja njihovih naravnih habitatov.
The present contribution deals with aquatic fauna of the Pivka intermittent lakes. Due to their intermittent character some interesting crustaceans from the groups of fairy shrimps (Anostraca), water fleas (Cladocera) and copepods (Copepoda) are found there. Petelinjsko jezero is the only known location in the world for the endemic species Chirocephalus croaticus. Copepod species Diaptomus cyaneus and Diacyclops charon are relatively abundant in Europe, but Petelinjsko jezero and Veliko Drskovško jezero are the only two locations known in Slovenia for both species. All the species are threatened due to destruction of their natural habitats.

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