Consider a cylindrical cave: A physicist's view of cave and karst science
We review the current understanding of the physics of caves and karst. Our review focuses on research that has used simple physically based models to improve understanding of processes that occur in karst. The topics we cover include cave atmosphere dynamics, transport within karst conduits, and models of speleogenesis and related processes. We highlight recent advances in these subjects and attempt to identify promising areas for future work. In our judgment, many of the most intriguing open questions relate to the interactions between these three groups of processes.
Vzemimo valjasto jamo: pogled fizika na znanost o jamah in krasu
V članku pregledava trenutno poznavanje fizike jam in krasa. Pri tem se osredotočava na raziskave, ki so razumevanje kraških procesov poglobile z uporabo preprostih modelov na osnovi fizike. Obravnavava vedenje jamskega ozračja, transport v kraških kanalih in modele nastanka jam ter povezanih procesov. Izpostavljava sodobna dognanja na teh področjih in iščeva obetavne teme za nadaljnje raziskave. Po najinem mnenju so mnoga med bolj privlačnimi odprtimi vprašanji povezana z medsebojnim vplivom med obravnavanimi tremi skupinami procesov.

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