Characteristics of the micropseudokarst landforms in Pâclele Mari mud volcanic area (Romania)
pseudokarst, badland, piping, mud tubes, Păclele Mare mud volcanos, Buzău Geopark RomaniaAbstract
In this paper, we present the results of the geomorphological study of the micro pseudokarst landfoms developed on Pâclele Mari mud volcanic site that belongs to the famous mud volcanic area Berca-Arbănași, Buzău Subcarpathians, Romania. Different types of pseudokarstic cavity formation can be observed in the area, especially in the sloping periphery of the mud volcanic area, where badlands developed (badland pseudokarst), and rheogene pseudokarst in the mud flows. The liquid mud material gets denser and wimple on the surface of the mud that flows in the trough, it compiles and then covers the liquid mud channel. These micro-size covered tunnels are similarly formed as lava tubes at the lava flows of real volcanic areas. In order to complement the field measurements, we carried out surveys with a DJI Phantom 3 and 4, and Mavic Pro quadcopter to determine the landforms for the photogrammetry. Granular composition tests were carried out on sediment samples collected in the mud volcanic area by a laser diffraction particle analyser.
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